Family Happenings

A place so our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives! ----------------- ----------------- -----------------

Location: United States

Monday, September 05, 2005

Josh Gracin

The kids and I went to Stone Mountain Park to see Josh Gracin and others in concert and watch the lasar show yesterday! I packed up some homemade quesadillas, grapes, blueberries, apples, salad, kool-aid and water as well as some little toys, paper, coloring books and crayons for the kids to play with if the concerts bored them. We had to park nearly a mile away so that was fun getting to the lawn! We stopped once so that I could fix the chair Bailey was carrying (they had their own little chairs) and this little girl turns to ask her daddy, "Why do people carry chairs?" At first I thought they must use blankets, but then they were in front of us most of the time and they weren't carrying ANYTHING. So I thought, maybe they aren't going to see the concert or the lasar show YET I saw them on the lawn. I'm guessing they either met someone there or sat on the grass. Anyway, moving on ....

By the time we get to the lawn, the kids are moving extra slow and I'm having to keep them from getting stampeded so we pretty much took the first open spot I found. It was beside some grandparents on a very large blanket. Once I got everyone set up, the grandmother asked me if I'd like to move to the other side of them and let the kids sit on the blanket so that they weren't in the path of the mobs moving around. Sure thing, but the kids sat in their chairs and colored and stuff.

They really enjoyed the concert and clapped and raised their hands and danced. It was so cute. I tried to get Morgan Haley on video dancing but everytime I tried to video her, she changed what she was doing!!

By the time the lasar show started the kids were getting really tired and the grandparents beside us offered to let the kids lay on the blanket. Madison and Bailey obliged. The grandmother lay her sweater on Madison and silly little Bailey got the chair bag I carry my chair in and got inside it. I wish I could have gotten a better picture but hey you can tell he's inside it!!

Once the fireworks started Bailey got out of the bag and climbed in my lap after taking his hearing aids out. Both Morgan Haley and Bailey covered their little ears, curled in a ball and fell asleep in my lap. Madison fell asleep all covered up on the blanket.

So now it's time to pack up and leave. I've got everything all figured out when the grandparents and their family tell me they are going to help me. As it turns out the daughter and son-in-law are parked really close to me. So their son carried my chairs, their daughter carried Morgan Haley, the grandfather carried Bailey (isn't that amazing -and he was really carrying on with this man too), then when we got to the grandparents car, we dropped them off and the son-in-law took Bailey for a ride on his shoulders, which he loved. Their daughter, whose name is also Madison, gave the kids one of her glowing necklaces which were actually three braclets. So they got to take home something from the park after all besides pictures and memories.

We wound up sitting in the parking lot for nearly an hour waiting on the traffic to clear out some. With the price of gas these days, I wasn't about to burn anymore than I had to. The children were all asleep by the time I left the parking lot.

I'm working on getting the pictures uploaded to photobucket... when I get that done I will link to them!


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