Family Happenings

A place so our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives! ----------------- ----------------- -----------------

Location: United States

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Happy Birthday, Toree!

Miss Toree was born on a Thursday morning. I had traveled cross-country by car at 8 1/2 months pregnant and here I was over a month later, still pregnant as my due date had come and gone. My dr wanted to induce me, so we went in at 2 1/2 weeks overdue for inducement. When I got there the nurses said I was having regular contractions and started me on a very low dose of pitocin. I felt my first contraction at 7:05 am. Time went on and I happily sat there filling out birth announcement postcards. I started feeling contractions and ordered my epidurel as I knew it would take a long time for them to get there. As it turns out there was no need for one after all. An hour later at 9am she showed up to give me the epi. She prepped me and started mixing the solutions to give me when the nurse came in to check me. That little nurse started yelling about the baby already coming and to call the dr all the while my epi lady started packing up her things without giving me the epi. I was having a hard time believing the baby was really coming as I felt the need to push but it didn't hurt - something new to me. Dr. Bull came running in as best she could at 7 months pregnant and told me to start pushing. I argued with her to wait because my mother in law wasn't there yet with the video camera. So Dr. Bull told mom to grab her camera and start snapping as fast as she could cause Toree was making her entrance despite my protestation and lack of pushing. I finally started pushing when I realized she was coming with or without help. Mom got to click three shots - from crowning to full birth. Sure enough, my mother in law, sister in law and my dad all walked in not long after Toree made her entrance. They had been in the parking lot when I was arguing with Dr Bull!

Miss Amber Victoria "Toree" was born at 9:41am weighing in at 7#3.3oz (my biggest baby) on her great-great grandfather Fernander's birthday. She was named for her great-great grandmother Fernander (Victoria).


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