First Week of School

Ah, the first week of school has gone pretty good!!
Madison had absolutely no problems whatsoever. She is riding the bus with her two best friends, Sarah and Kady. The only problems we ran into were the buses running waaaaaay earlier than scheduled, resulting in half the kids missing the buses. So with my complaint direct to the transportation director, who seemed to just blow me off like it was all my fault the whole neighborhood missed the bus, and my neighbor, Kevin, waiting on the bus after school to say something to the bus driver, who also blew him off and told him that there was no way she was finishing our neighborhood at 7:25 because she was starting the neighboring neighborhood at 7:25 .... it was all fixed the next morning. Apparently her clock was wrong OR something. Whatever it was, I'm just glad it's fixed! Other than that, school went GREAT for Madison :-D Her teacher even gave me a glowing report in the middle of the week.
Now Bailey, I had expected problems. I barely had one problem!! On the first day, he went in with his teacher and said, "Bye, Mom, see ya later!" I was like, where in the world is my son??? He had a wee bit of problem with rest time, cause he fell asleep the last 5 minutes of the hour long rest time, but his teacher was great and he was settled in a matter of minutes. Well, Tuesday I found out I could move him into the earlier class I wanted (from the 9-3:30 class to the 8-2:30 class) so we did that on Wednesday. Bailey wasn't thrilled with this. I had to pick him up and carry him into the room, but after that, he just scowled at me while playing with dinosaurs. When I asked him for a bye hug, he told me no while glaring at me with a hint of a smile, so I said ok and left. Not one little peep from him. When I went back in to get a car rider card from his teacher a few minutes later, he was with the rest of the kids watching a video while waiting for school to start. Later that day I had to check him out a little early for his hearing aid appointment, and he was playing with the other kids :-) Though his least favorite part of the day is rest time, he accepts it with little complaint now. Everyday when I pick him up, he tells me, "School was so fun today!" It's simply amazing ... He's changed overnight! In a good way, yes, but a little too abrupt for his mommy!
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