Family Happenings

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Location: United States

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Bailey - Ear & Speech

Hey everyone! We had Bailey's second hearing test and ear check-up today. Great news ~ his hearing is greatly improved BUT there is still some hearing loss. With the descrepancies in the test, our audiologist suspected some fluid still in his ears. She was correct. Dr. Goldburg said there was still some fluid in his ears, but it is fluid and not goo glue anymore which is good news in itself. So the plan now is to go ahead and put Bailey on the surgical rotation for tubes in a month. At his pre-op appointment he will have his third hearing test done. IF there is improvement AND no fluid then he will taken off the surgical list; but, if there is still fluid and little to no improvement then we will continue as scheduled.

Also our audiologist has suggested that Bailey have a speech evaluation done since he is 4. It is free through our county's educational system since we are tax payers. The outcome of this evaluation will determine our course of action in the near future. So as soon as I know something on that I will let you know!


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