Family Happenings

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Location: United States

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Morgan's Allergies

We had our last allergy appointment today. Morgan Haley went through a food challenge and another milk skin test. Everything shows up normal. The food was the french toast stick she ate last year when she broke out in hives.

Being that Dr. Zora is limited by my HMO he cannot do any further testing though he is sure something is going on - but what he just isn't sure on. It was suggested I go to a holistic health practitioner and let them do further testing. But he strongly advised keeping the EpiPen handy as he is certain she will grow up to have allergy problems. When I think about it, both Mom and I developed allergies later in life as well, so she may follow the same pattern. He also said that if her immune system goes wonky she might have another allergic reaction - which very well could have been what happened at the time she broke out in hives, so she is going to always be 'at risk' to certain foods.

There was also the suggestion to put her back on the original diet (fruits, veggies, nuts & seeds) for a while then extremely slowly reintroduce those things and note every physical reaction she has. But that will be extremely difficult now that she has had those foods.

Of course, if anything happens we are to go back immediately. So that's that on that.


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