Family Happenings

A place so our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives! ----------------- ----------------- -----------------

Location: United States

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Do we live at the dr office?

I'm beginning to think so!! Yesterday I had to run Morgan Haley up to the office just so they could take a looksee at this rash she seems to have developed. Over the phone it sounded like it could have been several things and there was no telling for sure without seeing it. We got in there and Dr. S and I stared at several pictures of various ailments trying to figure out which one she had. It came down to two things.... 1) a particular virus (I forgot the name of it) that manifests in these little rashes but no other symptoms and lasts for 20 days; or 2) it is a something something dermatitis related to her allergies.

There is no treatment for the virus and the treatment for the dermatitis would make the virus worse if it happened to be the virus and not the dermatitis.... soooo the course of action is to wait out the remaining 2 weeks to see if it disappears. If not, then treat it as if it were dermatitis. Gee gracious me.

Next is Madison's visit on Wednesday afternoon. She had been feeling funny in her throat.... her exact words were "it feels like someone is pinching my throat on the inside." Her tonsils were swollen and yucky and she is making a funny noise when she breathes, especially at night. As it turns out, her tonsils were back to normal by the time we got to the dr. BUT there is something swollen in her upper nasal passages (I'll get the name of it later and stick in here). That is causing her to breathe funny. So now we got her on a nasal spray that she'll have to stay on for about 4 months in order to shrink it.

But that's not all - she's been having these pains that I assumed were growing pains in her knees. But since she complains during the day about the pain and it alternates legs, the doc wasn't so sure. But for now, unless she developes some other symptoms like limping then he believes that she complains during the day due to her active lifestyle.

Oh but there's more! She failed her hearing test last year (but I wasn't informed) so he decided to retest her now... she failed it again, so we off to the audiologist once more! We're getting to know her quite well.

Alrighty now that's all!


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