Family Happenings

A place so our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives! ----------------- ----------------- -----------------

Location: United States

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Almost Over

The chicken pox are almost gone! Woo - Hoo !!! Well, almost woo-hoo anyway - little Morgan Haley still hasn't broken out. She might even go without getting it at all I've been told.

Madison has only a couple of blisters that haven't scabbed over and nothing is itching her anymore. She feels so much better!

Bailey didn't break out nearly as bad as Madison. I'm really afraid he only got a mild case - but hopefully he crossed the threshold and developed a lifetime immunity.

If I recall Toree broke out worse than Christian as well.

Oh well, I'm very thankful that it wasn't any worse than it was for them. They really only had two days of itching each and one night each where they woke up a lot. Neither of them itched on their face even though they were broken out pretty badly there. I'm hoping no one develops any scars, but it they do it won't be the end of the world!


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