Family Happenings

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Location: United States

Saturday, August 25, 2007

My test results ...

I've been having some tests run since April trying to figure out why I am so tired all the time ... and getting worse as time goes on. Everything is coming back normal or negative - depending on the test - which is all good, except it isn't explaining my total lack of energy since coming home from Delaware and falling ill within a few days of my return.

Well, the last set of tests were for Lyme Disease and Epstein-Barre Syndrome. For some odd reason my test results were mailed to Paul. He opened them not realizing what they were - he was thinking it was just the normal stuff he gets from Kaiser. Well, when he saw what it was he called me immediately to tell me that they say my B12 is extremely low and to start taking supplements until I can get into the office for some B12 shots. Now I know this is a serious condition to be in, but at the same time I do not want those shots if it isn't necessary because they hurt like the dickens because the B12 is extremely thick. Try giving yourself a shot of jello or pudding - that's about how it feels - not to mention it is red!

Well, I luckily do have some B12 sublingual tablets I started taking immediately. I also called my chiropractor who is a Holistic Doctor as well and asked him what could be causing it since I do get good sources of B12 in my diet regularly. He ran some tests on me when I was coming in for my adjustments from the car accident (we are in there three times a week). Well, he did these tests for free which was a blessing, and gave me my results Thursday.

I have some heavy metal toxicity from all the dental work I've had done. I have to get the amalgum in my teeth replaced with porcelain (sp). Then I will still have to go through chelation therapy to remove the metals that have leached out of the amalgum and settled in my body. He gave me some supplements that are usually really good about being processed when you have this kind of toxicity causing low absorption of B12. He will monitor me for a little while and if I still need the shots he will send me to get them from my MD. Hopefully I won't need the shots.

So anyway, if you would, pray for me to find a good holistic dentist that does this type of work that doesn't charge two arms and a foot for each one. We've got to see how much longer I have on Paul's dental insurance as well cause I may be able to have some of the procedure covered. But from what I have checked out, porcelain is not covered under the insurance... and they charge just as much as a holistic dentist does.


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