Family Happenings
A place so our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives! ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
Monday, March 28, 2005
Friday, March 25, 2005
Monday, March 21, 2005
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Wow, talk about nothing going on! There's nothing going on. Normally there's at least a little something but not lately. The only excitment I've had recently is attending Tiff's baby shower to which I spent nearly 4 hours driving and only 1 hour at the shower. Other than that we've had normal days of gymnastics and dance and hanging out with my friend Carrie.
Oh Madison did get her report card last Friday. You can check it out at If something is not marked then that thing has not been evaluated.
Oh I got a new camera, here are a few photos I've taken over the last week or so ...
Gymnastics Photos


Morgan Haley with glitter on her face (also a before shot)

Morgan Haley after her hair cut
Oh Madison did get her report card last Friday. You can check it out at If something is not marked then that thing has not been evaluated.
Oh I got a new camera, here are a few photos I've taken over the last week or so ...
Gymnastics Photos


Morgan Haley with glitter on her face (also a before shot)

Morgan Haley after her hair cut

Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Tubes, Snow and Skating
Well Mr Bailey got tubes this morning. We got up at 4:30am in order to get ready, take Morgan Haley to the babysitter's and then get through rush hour and hopefully make it through rush hour without too much hassle. We needed to be there at 7am and his surgery was scheduled for 9am. Somehow, we just missed all of the traffic that started clogging the interstates and made it to the office at 6:10am. Bailey was completely done with surgery and in recovery by 8:35am. I got to be with him when he went to sleep and 15 minutes after he woke up. He at first was mad at me for not being there when he woke up but the nurses had already started a cover story of I had been in the bathroom, which still wasn't quite good enough for him, so I told him I got lost trying to find him after I went to the potty. That calmed him down cause all of the sudden it wasn't my fault I wasn't there for him, as I was lost and scared looking for him and a nurse helped me find my way back to him :) After that he ate 2 1/2 popsicles before we left. He even got to take one home with him.
Next came going home ... we were going to stop and get breakfast, just the two of us, but instead I had to rush home through the pouring snow to get Madison her coat and take it to the school (long story on why she didn't have it in the first place!). As it turns out it was probably good that we didn't stop for breakfast because on the way home Bailey got nauseated and nearly threw up. He was asleep by the time I pulled up in the driveway. Paul had come home not feeling well so I took Bailey in, grabbed the coat, took it to Madison (and they were just starting to practice a tornado drill!), ran to get breakfast for us and was going to get Morgan Haley but she had just fallen asleep when I called Mary to let her know I was on my way. So the plan then was for me to go home, eat and go to sleep myself and she'd keep Morgan until after school so that the boys could play with her. So that's what we did. After school, Bailey and I met Mary, Morgan Haley and the boys at an indoor McDonald's playground near her house so that they could run and play since her house is being painted.
Bailey is doing very well with his tubes. He can't fathom that there is something in his ears as he can't feel them. He also hates that he has to wear ear plugs while in or around water but he'll get used to that. The only thing he remembers is that he was suppose to be blowing up a "balloon" with the special mask and he doesn't remember how big the balloon got. Luckily he doesn't remember when they turned the gas on and that a nurse and I had to hold him so that he couldn't get the mask off while the anasthesiologist did her thing. All in all he had a good experience to which I'm thankful.
After we finally got home from playing with Mary's boys, I took Madison to skate night with her school at the local skating rink. She had so much fun and was disappointed when it ended but she was a good sport about it. A 5th grader took great interest in her and helped her learn to get around on her skates. I was so proud of Madison. She started off the night not being able to even stand on the wooden floor. By the end of the night she wasn't exactly skating but she was more ... running on her skates and didn't have but a few falls each time around instead of upwards of 15 times each go around.
There were lots of daddies out there. I guess because it is a special night with the schools, they allow the moms and dads to walk on the skate floor with their shoes on while helping their little ones. There were 2 other moms besides me on the floor with their children and the rest were daddies, some still in casual business suits from work, but they were having fun with their kids :)
Next came going home ... we were going to stop and get breakfast, just the two of us, but instead I had to rush home through the pouring snow to get Madison her coat and take it to the school (long story on why she didn't have it in the first place!). As it turns out it was probably good that we didn't stop for breakfast because on the way home Bailey got nauseated and nearly threw up. He was asleep by the time I pulled up in the driveway. Paul had come home not feeling well so I took Bailey in, grabbed the coat, took it to Madison (and they were just starting to practice a tornado drill!), ran to get breakfast for us and was going to get Morgan Haley but she had just fallen asleep when I called Mary to let her know I was on my way. So the plan then was for me to go home, eat and go to sleep myself and she'd keep Morgan until after school so that the boys could play with her. So that's what we did. After school, Bailey and I met Mary, Morgan Haley and the boys at an indoor McDonald's playground near her house so that they could run and play since her house is being painted.
Bailey is doing very well with his tubes. He can't fathom that there is something in his ears as he can't feel them. He also hates that he has to wear ear plugs while in or around water but he'll get used to that. The only thing he remembers is that he was suppose to be blowing up a "balloon" with the special mask and he doesn't remember how big the balloon got. Luckily he doesn't remember when they turned the gas on and that a nurse and I had to hold him so that he couldn't get the mask off while the anasthesiologist did her thing. All in all he had a good experience to which I'm thankful.
After we finally got home from playing with Mary's boys, I took Madison to skate night with her school at the local skating rink. She had so much fun and was disappointed when it ended but she was a good sport about it. A 5th grader took great interest in her and helped her learn to get around on her skates. I was so proud of Madison. She started off the night not being able to even stand on the wooden floor. By the end of the night she wasn't exactly skating but she was more ... running on her skates and didn't have but a few falls each time around instead of upwards of 15 times each go around.
There were lots of daddies out there. I guess because it is a special night with the schools, they allow the moms and dads to walk on the skate floor with their shoes on while helping their little ones. There were 2 other moms besides me on the floor with their children and the rest were daddies, some still in casual business suits from work, but they were having fun with their kids :)
Happy Name Day, Bailey Isaiah!
Martyr Isaiah at Caesarea, in Palestine
The Holy Martyrs Pamphilius the Presbyter, Valens the Deacon, Paul, Porphyrius, Seleucius, Theodulus, Julian, Samuel, Elias, Daniel, Jeremiah and Isaiah suffered during the persecution against Christians, initiated by the emperor Diocletian in the years 308-309 at Caesarea in Palestine.
During the rule of Firmilian, 130 Christians were sentenced in Egypt and sent to Cilicia (Asia Minor) to work in the gold mines. Five young brothers accompanied them to the place of exile. On their return to Egypt they were detained at Caesarea and thrown into prison for confessing Christ.
The youths appeared before Firmilian, together with those imprisoned earlier: Sts. Pamphilius, Valens and Paul. The five Egyptian youths took the names of Old Testament prophets, Elias, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samuel and Daniel. Asked where they were from, the youths said that they were citizens of Jerusalem, meaning the heavenly Jerusalem. Firmilian knew nothing of such a city, since Jerusalem had been razed to the ground by the emperor Titus in the year 70. The emperor Hadrian (117-138) built a new city on the site, which was called Aelia Capitolina.
Firmilian tortured the youths for a long time. He sought to learn the location of the unknown city, and he sought to persuade the youths to apostatize. But nothing was accomplished, and the governor ordered them to be beheaded by the sword with Pamphilius, Valens and Paul.
The Holy Martyrs Pamphilius the Presbyter, Valens the Deacon, Paul, Porphyrius, Seleucius, Theodulus, Julian, Samuel, Elias, Daniel, Jeremiah and Isaiah suffered during the persecution against Christians, initiated by the emperor Diocletian in the years 308-309 at Caesarea in Palestine.
During the rule of Firmilian, 130 Christians were sentenced in Egypt and sent to Cilicia (Asia Minor) to work in the gold mines. Five young brothers accompanied them to the place of exile. On their return to Egypt they were detained at Caesarea and thrown into prison for confessing Christ.
The youths appeared before Firmilian, together with those imprisoned earlier: Sts. Pamphilius, Valens and Paul. The five Egyptian youths took the names of Old Testament prophets, Elias, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samuel and Daniel. Asked where they were from, the youths said that they were citizens of Jerusalem, meaning the heavenly Jerusalem. Firmilian knew nothing of such a city, since Jerusalem had been razed to the ground by the emperor Titus in the year 70. The emperor Hadrian (117-138) built a new city on the site, which was called Aelia Capitolina.
Firmilian tortured the youths for a long time. He sought to learn the location of the unknown city, and he sought to persuade the youths to apostatize. But nothing was accomplished, and the governor ordered them to be beheaded by the sword with Pamphilius, Valens and Paul.