Family Happenings

A place so our family and friends can see what's going on in our lives! ----------------- ----------------- -----------------

Location: United States

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Gone for a Week

Well, I dropped Christian and Toree off at their Uncle Bill's house today. They will go home with Grandma and Poppa. Toree is unsure how long she will stay at their house, but Christian is staying until Wednesday. Grandpa will pick him on his way home from work. The two of them will then spend until Saturday morning with Grandpa and Grandma, where we will meet at Stone Mountain and spend the day with the rest of us. I'm really going to miss them while they are away this week!!!! :( Then the following Wednesday they will leave for Texas :-(((( This school year we get Thanksgiving and Spring Break together. I am hoping my spring break is at the same time so that we can do some fun stuff like exploring Louisiana or something instead of coming here for the hum drum of everyday stuff, where I will be away at least three days that week for my own schooling. Whatever it is, we will make the best of it, that much I'm sure of!

Happy Birthday, Deddy!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Knock, Knock

Morgan Haley has told her first knock, knock joke! She came up to me on Friday evening and said, "knock, knock" and I said, "Who's there?" "Nana" (banana), "Nana who?" "Didn't say apple!" ~~~ She got this from the banana & orange knock, knock joke that says, "Orange you glad I didn't say banana?" but of course with her own little 2 year old twist! It was adorable!

Cheerleading, once again!!!!

It's that time again!!!! Cheerleading season - or is that Football season??? ;) Yes, I'm coaching again, even though I thought I wouldn't. I have an awesome team mom this year so I ONLY have to worry with coaching and leave everything else up to her!! Yeah!!

We've already gotten Madison fitted for her uniform. She's pretty much wearing several items from Toree's old uniform, plus she still has her wind suit. That was a huge saver! She'll get her shoes fitted on Monday.

Anyway, I had my coach's stunt clinic a couple of weeks ago. WooHoo. So much fun trying to get a bunch of overwieght adults up in the air properly!! Luckily I'm coaching 1st&2nd grade so we're level 1 and I only had to do 4 stunts and we only had to go as high as climbing on thighs. Much, much better than last year when we did Level 2 for 5th grade!

Today, we got to meet our cheerleaders and pass out their uniforms!! All 14 of my girls came before 2pm!! Yeah!! Then of course we had a coach's meeting and did a lot of paper work for the official background checks, etc. Yahoo... more fun. Meeting all the girls is a lot of fun though! I really think I'm going to have a great team this year ~ which of course, is made even better by my awesome team mom that I already mentioned above :-D

Also, since we are split team this year, the other 1st/2nd grade coach and I decided we will more than likely combine our teams for cheer off this year providing that the rules are still the same in that regard. I've already got our base cheer down cause I'm using last year's cheer off routine that I did with the 5th graders!! One step ahead of the game there ;) Now all I have to do is choreograph up to 28 girls which should be no problem .... oh the fun I see ahead :D

Starting Monday is cheerleading camp! I won't have much to do except watch my girls because the high school girls will be teaching the cheers during the week. And just think, I don't even have to think about getting them a thank you gift at the end of the week cause my team mom will do it ;)

I'm really looking forward to this season!!! GO KNIGHTS!!!!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Happy Birthday, Alexis!

(graphic coming soon)

Gabe and Stephanie's 2nd daughter

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy finally got to us about Bailey's therapy. In a few weeks he will start seeing a therapist every two weeks on Wednesdays at 10am. Once I get my schedule at school, if it needs to be changed then we can change it, but for now we just had to get him in before there were no more openings at all! Also the timing was perfect as he should have his hearing aid in by then! They didn't want to start at all until he had that.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Rain, Rain Go Away

We went to Fernbank Museum on Tuesday and it started sprinkling and lightening just as we were finishing our picnic lunch. So we made it inside to finish out our tour until we were ready to head on over to the Science Center down the road. When we finally decided leave out, it had stopped raining but the ground was wet and covered in puddles. We were about a quarter of the way to the car when miss Morgan Haley decided to start singing "Rain, Rain Go Away!" I had never heard her start her own song before in the right context AND sing all the words!! It was soo cute!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Happy Birthday, Landon!

(graphic coming soon)

Connie and Edwin's son

Hearing Aids

We finally got into a hearing aid place and had Bailey fitted for a hearing aid. Next will be Madison and then me. As much as I need one, the kids come first and need it more than I do. And with as much as they cost, we have to pick who needs them most and go in that order.

Bailey seemed excited to be going and doing this. I guess with all the stuff he's had done with his ears in recent months, he was used to it. Madison on the other hand wasn't happy to be going at all and was very sullen. I decided to take Madison so she'd understand what would be happening when we went to get hers fitted and the technician thought it a very good idea. I'm glad I did, cause now she's looking forward to her fitting!

Anyway, they put a piece of cotton down in the ear canal and that cotton has a long string attached to it. Then they mix two substances which resemble play-doh. She then put this into a syringe and started squirting it into Bailey's ear. He thought it tickled :) Then within a few minutes the stuff is hard and she removed the molds while Bailey and Madison were still playing with the leftover "play-doh" she gave them. (It takes longer to harden as long as you are playing with it.) That was pretty much all there was to it besides picking out a color or colors for his aids. Bailey chose to get blue and white swirls. I hope he likes them!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Amanda & Jimmy get hitched!

They finally did it! Amanda and Jimmy got married :-) It was a small wedding held in Salisbury, North Carolina at a state park there. Wendi rode with me on Saturday while Connie, Edwin and kids went up there Friday afternoon.

Amanda was a beautiful bride. She carried a portrait of Jace, her angel baby. Jimmy cleaned up nicely ;) Madison (Connie's daughter) was the flower girl and Josh, Amanda's son, was the ring bearer. Toree kept the book for them.

Wendi, Connie and family, me and the kids (Christian and Toree) all caravaned back to Georgia together that evening. Whew, what a trip for a piece of cake ;-)

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Happy Birthday, Inari!

(graphic coming soon)

Paul's niece