Well everything seems to be pulling together after a rough start this season. No, the boys aren't scoring any touchdowns yet, it's the organization of our teams I'm talking about. One of the fathers told my team mom that we really have it together and he's really glad to see the discipline I'm instilling in my girls. Not only that, we (me, asst coach, team moms) treat the dads like the moms and don't ignore them. He says that on his other daughter's team, there's very little in the way of organization, discipline and the dad's that are there are totally ignored. WOW! I had no idea... here I felt like the runt of the association, like a chicken with it's head cut off, etc, etc. and yet I've apparently got it together enough to have the respect of not only the dads but of our football team's parents as well (you know you've made it with the football parents when they interact with the cheerleader's cheers - and they were FULL of participation today --- after a run in with their team mom, I really thought I had blew it with them - nope even she's been great this past week!!). I guess I have learned how to crack that whip finally!! I don't write this to toot my own horn, I'm just so relieved that something is finally going right this season - caues my girls deserve to be able to have fun without the parents ruining it for them.
Anyhow, the football team and the cheerleaders all met in a central parking lot and decorated our cars for a caravan to our first away game (we only have 2 this season). Connie and I had gotten gold ribbon for the antennas and we of course had liquid window chalk to make Knight heads, pom poms, mega phones and of course all manner of names and spirit written. We were rockin'!!!
You should have seen that caravan! I was the next to the last car and at the top of one hill I could see the beginning of our caravan - we were just over a 1/4 mile long (stopped at a red light)! I don't know about our boys, but our girls sure were pumped because of it!
Everything went right on schedule ... we got a space beside our football team and stretched (I think I'm the only coach that stretches with the team and believe me,
everyone seems to notice), went over our halftime routine, taught two of the girls some cheers we learned Thursday night (they were at curriculum night at school), got our buckets lined up and ready to go, got our permanent banner Connie and I slaved over set up so every one could see it, had the run-thru banner set up 5 mintues before the football team was ready and did an awesome job sending our boys out on the field. Then we set up our buckets in a line behind the girls with their water bottles right beside their buckets and actually started cheering on time!! We rocked and we looked awesome!
The girls did such an awesome job cheering today!!!! I'm so proud of them :-D It was HOT and they weathered it great! They looked so cute during their half-time routine~~ I can't wait for next week when they do their dance at half time! Oh man, they are going to rule the roost!!